HL Guard 1.60
Server Commands:
hlguard <mode> <on|off|1|0>
hlguard <bitmask> - displays hlguard settings [set hlguard settings]
mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6
bitmask: bitmask of the modes to be enabled. 0 to disable HLGuard.
hlg_action "<flag>:<found|not found>" "<command>"
adds an action to link to checked aliases
flag: Identifier for this action
found/not found: whether the alias checked by hlg_check's linked with this action are detected or not detected
command: command to execute if conditions are true
hlg_aimbot "<command>"
adds an action for aimbot detections
hlg_check "<alias>:<description>" "<flags>"
adds an alias to scan for
alias: alias to scan for
description: name of cheat
flags: flags to link this check with
hlg_clexec <#<userid>|<uniqueid>> "<command>"
executes a command on a number of clients
userid: the unique userid of a player
uniqueid: Steam ID
hlg_reset <net|lan|league>
resets hlguard [ignores any hlg_loadmode commands while reloading and loads mode net/lan/league]
hlg_log "<hlg string>"
logs a string to both the current server log file and the HLG log file.
hlg string: text string with % variable support
hlg_menucvar "<cvar>" "<step>" "<max value>"
adds a menu spot to hlg_menu under the server cvar part
cvar: a cvar, hlg_delay for example.
step: step increase within 0 and <max value>
hlg_menucmd "<description>" "<commmand>"
adds a menu spot to hlg_menu under the server commands part
hlg_menuplayer "<description>" "<commmand>"
adds a menu spot to hlg_menu under the player commands part
hlg_agreement "<message>"
adds a line to the agreement or shows the current agreement
hlg_write "<hlg string>"
writes a message to the current hlg_writefile
hlg_conncommand "<command>"
adds a command to the list of commands to be executed on clients when connecting
hlg_exec "<config.cfg|config.zcfg>"
executes a normal config file or a z config file with % variable support.
lists all files executed with hlg_exec
hlg_blockcommand "<command>"
blocks a client command when used, or shows current blocked commands (Note: Not all commands can be blocked)
hlg_loadmode <net|lan|league>
loads net/lan/league mode, should only be used once
performs a manual config update
hlg_swzone mod <mod>
hlg_swzone map <map>
hlg_swzone point1 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point2 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point3 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point4 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point5 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point6 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point7 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone point8 <x> <y> <z>
hlg_swzone method <method>
hlg_swzone add
mod: short name of mod (cstrike, tfc, ...)
map: map without file type ending (de_dust, rock2, ...)
x/y/z: origin in game world (246, -284, ...)
method: 0 = none, 1 = block, 2 = block + force no beams
sets a setting for the next box or creates it